Instructor of Record
Media Studies Graduate Seminar (IHSS 670), RPI, Fall 2022.
Communication Research, Curriculum Development and Pedagogy (Comm 301). Stanford, Online. Fall 2019; 2020. Co-Instructor with Professor Jeremy Bailenson.
Media, Culture, and the Politics of Gender (Comm 107S). Stanford. Summer 2018 .
Designed and taught course

Teaching Assistant
Dynamics of Social Media (Comm 105S). Stanford, Online. Summer 2021. Teaching Assistant to Angela Lee.
The Rise of Digital Culture (Comm 120W). Stanford, Online. Spring 2020. Teaching Assistant to Professor Fred Turner.
Race and Media (Comm 184). Stanford. Winter 2020. Teaching Assistant to Professor Xiaochang Li.
Delivered Guest Lecture: Race, Security, and the State
Virtual People (Comm 166). Stanford. Spring 2018. Teaching Assistant to Professor Jeremy Bailenson.
The Public Life of Science & Technology (STS 1). Stanford. Winter 2018. Teaching Asst. to Professors Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Elaine Treharne, & John Willinsky.
Media Ethics and Responsibility (Comm 131). Stanford. Fall 2017. Teaching Assistant to Professor Theodore L. Glasser.
Delivered Guest Lecture: The Rights and Responsibilities of a Free and Independent Press: Who Decides?
The Politics of Algorithms (Comm 154). Stanford. Spring 2017. Teaching Assistant to Professor Angèle Christin.
Delivered Guest Lecture: Privacy and Surveillance – National Security
Media Economics (Comm 142W). Stanford. Winter 2017. Teaching Assist. to Professor James T. Hamilton
Introduction to Communication (Comm 1). Stanford. Fall 2016. Teaching Assistant to Professor Jeff Hancock.